Welcome to Shining Paws Dog Training

Unlock the full potential of your furry companion

I am passionate about helping dogs and their owners develop a strong bond and positive relationship through reward-based training.  My training methods focus on positive reinforcement, allowing your dog's behaviour to shine!

Developing a bond & Relationship

Building Trust and Harmony

At Shining Paws Dog Training, I believe that every dog has the potential to be well-behaved and obedient. I am dedicated to providing effective training techniques that foster trust, encourage good behaviour, and strengthen the bond between you and your furry friend.

Positive Reinforcement

I use reward-based training methods that promote positive behaviour and build self-confidence in your dog.

Practice makes Permanent


I believe that training is a process much more than an event so it requires lots of on going positive reinforcement, along with consistency and team work to ensure your dog can enjoy a happy, healthy and enriched life as part of your family!!


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