Fully Insured with Protectivity Insurance

Qualifications & Expertise

Successfully completed the following 
IMDT (Institute of Modern Dog Trainers) 
Courses & Webinars:

IMDT - 2-day Career as a Dog Trainer
IMDT - 4-day Practical Instructor
IMDT - Perfect Puppy
IMDT - Canine Body Language
IMDT - Canine Aggression and Rehabilitation
IMDT - Breed and Predatory Motor Patterns
IMDT - Learning Theory Explained
IMDT - Foundations to Advanced
IMDT - Loose Lead Masterclass
IMDT - Recall Masterclass
IMDT - Scentsationalise your services
IMDT – K9 1st Aid
IMDT – Dog to Human Aggression
IMDT – Separation Anxiety & Related Disorders
IMDT – Abnormal Repetitive Behaviours 
IMDT - Membership Assessment

(Certificates issued upon completion)

I am able to help with canine nutrition too!!

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