'Paws for your Thoughts'

Client Testimonials 

"Chantal came to our rescue, with much needed help and advice with our lovely spaniel.  Daniel is a loveable rescue dog, but with a complex and largely unknown history.  He had some difficult stress and anxiety behaviours, as well as seemingly little, to no experience of the outside world or how to respond to his environment.  Chantal was incredibly kind, patient and knowledgeable and has helped us no end with training and helping our boy to feel safe and learn to manage his excitement out and about".

"Chantal really took the time to get to know Daniel and his quirky ways, and us too.  She gave us the tools, confidence and support to be able to help him.  We now have a plan and with time, TLC and Chantal’s help, Daniel is improving week on week.  Huge thank you Chantal, you have been absolutely brilliant and have helped us and Daniel so much.  We would thoroughly recommend Chantal to anyone else who may need some guidance with supporting their four-legged friend.  She has been invaluable to us and we don’t think we would be as far forward as we are today without her!"

 June 2024

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