Terms, Conditions and Privacy Policy for 1-1 Behaviour
Consultations & Training provided by Shining Paws Dog Training 

A copy of this to be signed at the time of the initial consultation

Code of Practice

Training provided is given in accordance with the ethics of the Institute of Modern Dog Trainers, who are a signed-up member to the UK Dog Training Charter and follow their guidance to offer force free training.

At the session

The training session will be run in your home/secure outside space - this is the owners' responsibility.  Unless advised otherwise, please keep your dog in a separate room or crate (if they are crate trained) until the trainer/behaviourist has completed the initial assessment.  All members of the household involved in the dogs care/training should attend this session.


1. You, and all members of your household involved in the dog's care, agree to train using positive and fear free training methods - no aversive methods or equipment is allowed, including slip leads, figure of 8 collars or choke chains.

2. Please have a supply of high and low value treats and toys for the session.

3. Where applicable, please be aware of other dogs and do not allow your dog to approach others without asking the handlers. 

4. If you need to cancel your booking, let us know as soon as possible.  A mutually suitable time to re-arrange the session will be offered as an alternative.  If an external venue has been booked, this may have to be paid for.

5. We reserve the right to stop the session if your dog becomes anxious, or in any way uncomfortable during the session.  We NEVER punish barking, growling, or lunging - this is an indication your dog feels unsafe.

6. Full payment is required prior to the first assessment/training session starting, this can be done either in cash on the day or by bank transfer (details shown on the invoice).

7. No refund is offered if cancellation of an assessment/training session is within 48 hours.

8. Shining Paws Dog Training will cover a radius of 15 miles from Chipping Norton, any mileage above that will incur a fuel charge of 50 pence per mile.

After the session

Activities usually benefit from some form of follow up work at home - progress depends on this and the subsequent sessions will be planned based on assumption that the tasks have been completed.  You, and all members of your household involved in the dog's care, agree to follow any tasks set, contacting the trainer/behaviourist if you are having issues.

For behaviour issues only.  Referral may be made to another dog professional and or your veterinary practice to further support the work or to offer class-based activities that could benefit your dog.

Privacy Policy

We collect information about people who book our service for 1-1 training.  The specific details collected, and how, vary depending on the service being provided.  Standard contact details - name, email address and home address.  Dog name, breed, age, vaccination status and behaviour/training background and history are usually required.

Why do we have it and what do we use it for?

The information collected is used for the following purposes: - To confirm bookings and provide essential information related to the booking. - To deliver the service that the individual has requested. - To contact individuals to inform of services that may be of interest.  Whenever we use information, we always limit this to only the details that are needed.  If you do not wish for your details to be kept securely on file, please state this at the initial assessment and that I have read and agree to abide by the terms and conditions.


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We use a third-party service to translate the website content that may collect data about your activity. Please review the details in the privacy policy and accept the service to view the translations.